Friday, December 31, 2010

A Google Docs Folder Surprise

I love surprises.  Or do I?  Whatever, but I got one this morning when I opened my Google Docs and found something I hadn't noticed before.

There's a folder called "Google Chrome" with a couple of sub-folders. 

After a little fishing, I learned Chrome (sort of) has a sync feature built in, but rather than syncing with Google bookmarks, it syncs with that folder in Google docs. Maybe.

The sync feature isn't enabled by default.  If you have a windows machine you can enable it by creating a shortcut to the Google Chrome executable and add the argument "--enable-sync".  For a Windows 7 user the shortcut's properties would look like this:
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\Chrome.exe --enable-sync

I use Ubuntu for the moment, so this doesn't work for me.  I've tried to launch Chrome with sync enabled by using the terminal command 

google-chrome --enable-sync

And I got this as a result:

[4553:4553:79733713890:ERROR:base/] dlopen failed when trying to open default_plugin: default_plugin: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[4452:4452:79733855096:ERROR:chrome/browser/renderer_host/] Not implemented reached in void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgCreatePluginContainer(gfx::PluginWindowHandle)
[4452:4452:79733871902:ERROR:chrome/browser/renderer_host/] Not implemented reached in void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgCreatePluginContainer(gfx::PluginWindowHandle)
[4452:4452:79733885745:ERROR:chrome/browser/renderer_host/] Not implemented reached in void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgCreatePluginContainer(gfx::PluginWindowHandle)
[4452:4452:79733918056:ERROR:chrome/browser/renderer_host/] Not implemented reached in void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgCreatePluginContainer(gfx::PluginWindowHandle)

So It looks like the sync plugin doesn't work in Ubuntu.  I sure hope it does in Chrome OS.  

It'd be great to have, but I'm working around it for now.  Just another bump on the road to cloud city.

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